2004 Pen Turners Rendezvous

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Wednesday evening, after the Craft Supplies Open House, we scramble to get the Rendezvous set up

Bill's got his sign up

He ferries in the display stuff leaving the stock back in his warehouse room

Arizona Silhouette is ready to go

Now it's time to get the lathe setup, trying to keep the chips from flying everywhere

We just find out that the ballot box never made it so Kurt tries to improvise

Meanwhile out in the hall, the crowd gets in line waiting to get in

As advertised, at 7PM the doors open and the folks head into the 2 Annual Pen Turners Rendezvous

Ken Nelsen gets a good crowd at his table immediately

The Baldwin brothers help at the door with check in and badges

The pen display is on display for review and voting

Bill Baumbeck takes care of business

Kevin Bergen and Rich Kleinhenz chat

The prototype Legacy Pen Mill is on display along with literature

We had a great turnout but failed to get a total headcount

Kurt Hertzog does an impromptu spiraling demo for those who are curious

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Photos by Kurt Hertzog