2010 Penturners Rendezvous

Winning Logo Design by Rich Kleinhenz

This Years Event

The 8th Annual Penturners Rendevous was held on Wednesday evening, May 5th in Provo UT. We had well over 150 attendees. The event had plenty to do with ongoing demonstrations, provided by Kurt Hertzog, Bill Jackman, and Don Ward. The vendors had plenty of interesting things to show and sell. There were plenty of brochures and product literature to take as well as free copies of Pen World Magazine. Their were tables, reserved for the pen display, also was the spot for everyone to show (and tell) about work they had brought along.

Starting promptly at 7PM, the visiting and vendor areas were frequented, and the demos began at 7:30. After a couple of hours of demos, displays, and visiting, the Rendezvous is capped off with the door prize drawings. Every year, we receive incredible support from the pen related suppliers and this year was no different. As usual, just about everyone in attendance wins a prize. The Rikon Mini Lathe grand prize, provided by Woodcraft, was won by Robert Nolan. The Jet Mini Lathe Pen Display grand prize, provided by Craft Supplies USA, was won by Wilford Fiedler. You can see from our sponsors listed below just how extensive the door prize pool was. For those who couldn't attend the Rendezvous, take a look at the photos below.


Click on thumbnail for full size image

At 7PM, the doors opened for the crowd of more than 150 penturning fans

For the preregistered, Colin and Ken Nelsen of Kallenshaan Woods provided free laser engraving

Harold Lee, President of the Wasatch Penturners Club, talks to prospective members of the local club

There were vendor tables of all things related to pen turning from woods to videos

The attendees had plenty of time to look, talk, and shop among the various vendors

The late Russ Fairfield had a table and was selling his penturning and finishing videos

Kurt Hertzog kicked off the first of three demonstrations for the evening

Bill Jackman and Don Ward followed with demonstrations for the large crowd of attendees

Famed penturner and author, Dick Sing and his wife Cindy attended always attends the Rendezvous

The group is so large that two of the demonstration rooms are joined to acomodate the crowd

The video cameras and monitors allow great viewing of the details of the demos

The drawings for door prizes to close the evening has everyone paying close attention


Photos by Bill Jackman


Thank You

Thanks to the folks who made this year's event a big success. In addition to Kurt Hertzog, Bill Jackman, Elysa Jackman, Emilie Jackman, and Bob Altig all played major roles in the prep and execution of the event. There were also many who helped behind the scenes as well as pitching in at the event. A special thanks to all who attended, both for the first time as well as those who make it an annual ritual. It all can happen because of the generosity of the vendors at the event along with those who can't attend. Below is the listing of this year's sponsors. Please thank them for their support when you do business with them.

This Years Sponsors

We thank our sponsors of this years event. Their contributions to the event including prizes, logistics, advertising, and moral support are vital to the success of the Rendezvous each year. Please tell them you appreciate their contributions to our event when you do business with them.

Arizona Silhouette
Bad Dogs Burl Source
JR Beall Tool Co.
Bear Tooth Woods
Berea Hardwoods
Bethlehem Olive Wood
Craft Supplies USA
Russ Fairfield
The Golden Nib - Anthony Turchetta
Barry Gross
PHDesigns & Manufacturing (Paul Huffman)
Kallenshaan Woods
Learning Turning LLC (Rex & Kip)
Logs to Lumber
More Woodturning Magazine
Packard Woodworks
Pen World Magazine
Penn State Industries
Dick and Cindy Sing
Thompson Lathe Tools
Keith Tompkins
Woodturning Design Magazine